We have a selection of unique online crossword puzzles and printable crossword puzzles too!


  • Online Crossword Puzzles/Printable Crosswords

Within our comprehensive crossword puzzle pages you can find hours of enjoyment

solving the wide variety of puzzles we provide ( as always at no cost to you!)

We believe our site is the best because not only we do provide you with puzzles

to solve ( see below) , but we also have the best support and online resources

with links to online help including crossword dictionaries and other vital resources,

that no puzzle solver should be without.


Use the above resource to find some of the most common words and phrases

used in crossword puzzles.

most common abbreviations, from A to Z.

as an additional resource.

answers from 2005 American Crossword Puzzle Tournament.

largest crossword competition.Very interesting and informative web site.

By WILL SHORTZ, Published: April 8, 2001. A very insightful and informative article.


Note: The online and printable puzzles below will be updated from

time to time, so we do apologize for any inconvenience to you.

On our pages below you will find online and printable puzzles as well.

Simply choose from any of the categories under the headings

below(interactive do them on the page), or printable crossword

puzzles( print 'em and do them later).

  • Links to Online crossword puzzles
  2. MUSIC
  3. MATH
  4. EASY
  • Links to printable crossword puzzles
  2. MUSIC
  3. MATH
  4. EASY

  • Additional Resources:

Learn about crossword history and basics that provide Beginners crossword puzzle help.

Our very own online crossword dictionary and forums.

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